1. People Skills
On many occasions, a locksmith is likely called out in an emergency situation, meaning that the customer may well be stressed and irritable by time the engineer arrives on the scene. As a locksmith it is your job to put the customer at their ease - a professional manner is crucial here to reassure them that you know what you’re doing, and having a good sense of humour often helps as well!
This is one reason why armed forces leavers often make great locksmiths, as their confident and well-mannered demeanour tends to make a very good impression on customers.
2. High Working Standards and Dedication
The most effective way to succeed against the competition and build a strong reputation is by going the extra mile for your customers, making no shortcuts and ensuring you do the best possible work on every job you work on.
Poorly motivated locksmiths may think they are doing okay in the very short term, but bad news spreads fast, and before long the reputational damage done by their shoddy work and lack of dedication will be irreparable.
3. Industry Knowledge
A locksmith comes up against various different types of challenges every day, and this demands a lot of specialist knowledge and know-how.
Much of this comes from practice and experience in the field, but at the Keytek Academy we ensure our locksmith trainees get the best possible start by learning to identify, operate, open and fit all the major lock types, including cylinders, backsets, mortice locks and uPVC doors. Our complete accredited course also involves learning about mortice and cylinder key cutting, as well as car opening techniques.
4. Analytical Mind
In essence, being a good locksmith is about being good at problem solving. As a locksmith you will encounter challenges that require you to have an analytical mind to understand the problem and devise the best solution. This means having a strong understanding of how mechanics and electronics work, and being able to deploy some lateral thinking to get to your desired outcome.
The problem-solving nature of the work means that locksmiths often experience a keen sense of job satisfaction – every new job successfully tackled provides a sense of fulfilment, because you knoe you’ve given the customer a professional and worthwhile service.
5. Willingness to Learn
Even experienced locksmiths aren’t walking encyclopedias – in an industry as varied as ours, it’s a constant learning process. Keytek engineers have full technical back-up available when they go out on a job, so they always know support is at hand if needed. The important thing is to be willing to pick up knowledge as you go, building on your core skills with ever-greater depth of specialism and understanding.